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A monitoring initiative was taken to understand the effectiveness of the implementation of the outreach events. In this regard, a monitoring matrix was designed, which included indicators, probable outcomes, means of verification, and assumption/risk of each outreach event. Tools of participatory methodologies, such as spot visit, observation, and interviews were mostly applied in the monitoring process to justify the effectiveness of the outreach events in line with the implementation plan. Beside ICC and SDE project personnel, as observers, representatives of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of URP: RAJUK part also actively participated in the monitoring process. The monitoring effort monitored 100% of the outreach implementation plans that were prepared by the trained change agents.

Cover Image of the D-06_Final Education and Outreach Campaign Report (Volume-2) of Consultancy Services for Building Code Implementation and Enforcement Strategy in RAJUK under Package No. URP/RAJUK/S-9
Cover Image

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  • 📂Package No. URP/RAJUK/S-9: Consultancy Services for Building Code Implementation and Enforcement Strategy in RAJUK
  • Deliverables