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📌 A Seminar and Workshop named "Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction Preparation and Actions"

Last Sunday (26.02.2023) a day-long Seminar and Workshop named "Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction Preparation and Actions" had been jointly organized by the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK), the Ministry of Housing and Public Works and the Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center in Dhaka. Sharif Ahmed, MP, Hon'ble State Minister, Ministry of Housing and Public Works was present as the chief guest.

Under the presidency of Md. Anisur Rahman Mia PAA, Chairman (Secretary), RAJUK, Kazi Wasi Uddin, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Public Works, Md. Kamrul Islam, Secretary, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Md. Abdullah Al Masud Chowdhury, Secretary, Security Department, Ministry of Home Affairs, Alamgir Shamsul Al Amin (Kajal), President, Rehab, Swarna Kazi, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank as special guests in the event and chief officers of various public and private organizations including GFDDOR focal point in Bangladesh, professors of reputed universities, eminent persons, journalists of electronic and print media were present on that day.

There are specific guidelines in Bangladesh's National Plan and various International Frameworks regarding earthquake disaster risk reduction. Urban Resilience Project (URP): RAJUK Part has been working on earthquake disaster risk reduction. Electronic Construction Permitting System (ECPS) software has been prepared under Urban Resilience Project (URP): RAJUK Part. Hazard Micro-zonation Map and Risk Sensitive Land Use Map for DMDP Area Earthquake Risk Sensitive Land Use Plan, have also been prepared which is in process of coordination with Detailed Area Plan (DAP); Necessary steps are being taken on Vulnerability Assessment of Structures to assess the current condition of existing emergency services and essential buildings such as schools, colleges, hospitals, police stations, banks, etc.; Working on Implementation and Practice of Bangladesh National Building Code (2020) and also preparing future plans to reduce earthquake risk and determining the overall strategy of urban development.

With the aim of implementing the 'Smart Bangladesh Vision-2041' of Hon'ble Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, the initiatives undertaken by RAJUK as part of the visionary plan to build a modern safe city have opened the door of the country to the modern world.