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This report consists of 8 chapters. In the first chapter, the introduction, background and objectives of the report are presented. In the second chapter, the data collection process is highlighted. In the third chapter, a review of previous studies has been done regarding RSLUP. In the fourth chapter, the challenges and the fifth chapter present opportunities ahead for Greater Dhaka to move towards the RSLP. In Chapter 6, GIS database modeling and remote sensing imagery have been conducted, Chapter 7 is dedicated to consultation process and the results and in Chapter 8, there are some recommendations for the next steps which reflects the results of planning knowledge base. Finally, it should be noted that the first part of situational analysis and diagnosis report, the “consultation report” is closely related to this report and a summary of which is presented in this report.

📂 MD-2.2_Situational Analysis Report under Situational Analysis and Diagnosis Report-এর কভার ইমেজ
কভার ইমেজ

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ফাইলের আকার 7.4 MB
  • 📂Package No. URP/RAJUK/S-5: Consultancy Services for Development of Risk Sensitive Land Use Planning Practice for Urban Resilience Unit (URU)
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