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এমওইউ সাইনিং এবং ইলেকট্রনিক কনস্ট্রাকশন পারমিটিং সিস্টেম (ইসিপিএস) এর উদ্বোধনী অনুষ্ঠান বিষয়ক টেলিভিশন সম্প্রচার

Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK) has introduced Electronic Construction Permitting System (ECPS) which is another milestone in achieving the goal of “Digital Bangladesh”. ECPS is a system where people will acquire construction permit digitally like developed countries without causing hassle to client and preserving professional’s right. At 19th September at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel in a formal ceremony RAJUK Chairman A B M Amin Ullah Nuri signed a MoU with IAB President Ar. Mubasshar Hussain and IEB Honorary General Secretary Engr. Md. Shahadat Hossain (Shiblu), as an act of integration of IAB and IEB membership portal with ECPS for cooperating with each other. The ceremony was presided by RAJUK Chairman and Mr. Sharif Ahmed MP, Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Housing and Public Works (MoHPW) was present as Chief guest, Professor Dr. M. Shamim Z Bosunia was present as Guest of honor,  Mr. Md. Shahid Ullah Khandakar, Secretary (MoHPW),  Mr. Md. Mohsin, Secretary (MoDMR), Ms. Swarna Kazi, Sr. Disaster Risk Management Specialist (WB) were present as a Special guest.  ECPS was developed and designed as a component of Urban Resilience Project: RAJUK Part. Mr. Abdul Latif Helaly, Project Director of Urban Resilience Project: RAJUK Part presented a brief description on URP: RAJUK Part and development of ECPS as a major component of the Project in presence of the officials from several GoB agency and other professional body.



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